St. Paul's Lutheran Church

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As of January 2023, St. Paul’s will no longer budget for the Portals of Prayer quarterly devotional book. The cost for the bulk subscription has increased far too much to justify and decreasing our subscription package to minimal levels would only increase the cost per book.

However, you still have options!

If you are a Portals of Prayer user, you can subscribe anytime by visiting the Concordia Publishing House, Portals of Prayer website. There you will be able to set up your own personal subscription with the option of a quarterly, printed booklet mailed to you, the Kindle App digital version, or the iBooks digital version. The individual subscription ranges anywhere from $10/year to $25.50/year depending on your preferred options. With this option, you simply pay Concordia Publishing House directly.

Alternatively, you may speak to Pastor Carlson. He can setup your subscription for you, including your print or digital options, and you simply drop a check in the offering plate each year.

It is suggested that you setup an individual subscription before December 15th so that you receive your January – March 2023 booklet. There is a chance that CPH will still send us the January – March booklets in bulk, but you will be informed of this long before December 15.

Alternatively, you are encouraged to subscribe to Pastor Carlson’s daily devotionals! You can subscribe on our website by clicking here and filling in the green box. You’ll get a daily (or almost daily) devotion in your email inbox! Pastor’s daily devotions are also posted on Facebook and will soon be posted on YouTube. You can also visit (and subscribe to) Pastor Carlson’s YouTube channel, “Evangelical Catholics” for regular posts, videos, studies, and more.